The following lectures were delivered at the 18 October 2012 Doctrine for Proclamation conference at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI, in honor of J. I. Packer, recipient of the 2012 Bavinck Prize Bavinck Prize for Outstanding Reformed Contribution to the Church, the Academy or Public Life.
Stanley Mast: “Preaching Sound Doctrine in an Age of Itching Ears” (MP3, 47.3MB; Duration: 51:37)
Michael Goheen: “A Theology that Equips the Church for Mission” (MP3, 82.5MB; Duration: 1:30:09)
Todd Rester: “Doctrine is for Preaching; Preaching is for Living”: An introduction to Petrus van Mastricht’s Theologia Theoretica-Practica (MP3, 62.2MB; Duration: 1:07:57)
John Bolt: “The Missional character of the (Herman and J.H.) Bavinck Tradition (MP3, 74.2MB; Duration: 1:21:00)
(The audio files are archived at the Internet Archive.)